Sunday, September 13, 2020

It’s Dead Jim!

I guess it’s time to finally admit that, after a bit over 4 years without an update, Republic Of Geektopia is dead! Anyone who was a regular reader back in the day will probably have noted that the associated Instagram account I set up no longer exists. There are numerous reasons, including the increasing expense, the aging out of some segments in the hobby, the increasingly despicable nature of social media, the lack of room for new toys and honestly, just a personal loss of interest. I’m getting older and finding escapism less appealing. Blogger itself is about as relevant as MySpace nowadays, although I actually prefer the long form blogger format to the toxic waste dump that is Tumblr and the crap fest of Twitter.

To be honest, it’s really no longer any fun for me. I’ve long since lost contact with most of the folks I knew through this blog, so the social aspect is pretty much dead too. 

My intention is to shut this all down at some point. My daughter has expressed an interest in many of the dolls I’ve shown here and she’ll get first choice of the collection before anything is sold or given away. Expect to see RoG go off line sometime after the first of 2021. Thanks for playing along in the past and take care!

1 comment:

  1. Well, all things change... Good luck on your other projects and plans!
